What is RI Soul Care ...

The RI Soul Care (RISC) team has been prayerfully growing - physically and spiritually - over the past several months. God has joined together a group of 11 women from churches across Rhode Island to seek God’s direction in serving and uniting women in our state. 

As we have sought the Lord, He heard, and He answered. We have met in our homes to pray and reflect on God’s word, on what He is speaking to us, and to forge strong bonds with Jesus at the center of our group. 

In May, the team went to Camp Clear for a weekend retreat where we spent time praying, worshiping, and talking through insights from our Cultivate Bible Study. God’s presence was felt so palpably in this space all weekend. The team bonded in such a beautiful, Holy Spirit centered way, all while God worked in each of us individually. 

As we look forward, the RISC leadership team is planning a Fall Retreat, a family cookout, and continuing to gather to pray about ways to serve Rhode Island women.